Monday, September 1, 2008

Permatang Pauh has spoken for Malaysians!

One thing that can definitely be concluded from the recent PP by-elections is : The people of Malaysia hate the BN govt and the PM even more than 6 months ago!

Why do we hate you more?

1)You and your ministers still continue to take Malaysians as fools. Your ministers continues to make the stupidest(I suppose it goes with their low IQ levels) statements and actually believe that the rakyat at this time and day will believe them!

2)Your budget stinks and there is no benefits whatsoever for the middle class earners. I suppose this is your way of telling the middle class who did not vote for you in the last elections : "This is wat u get for not voting us!" Trust me, judging by the sentiments going around now, you will never get this group's votes again! Period! One more thing, which freaking household has less than RM20 consumption of electricity???

3)Your election strategy and tactics are just a disgrace. You utilise the whole govt machinery and limitless funds trying to win a by-election that you term as unimportant. You go through the lowest ebbs possible to discredit one man who has the balls to stand up against you. When it doesn't go well, u just make them disappear either by C4 or other means possible (Wonder where PI Bala is now). Your shameless use of the media and draconian laws like the ISA, OSA and the Publishing and Printing Acts is just despicable!

4)Your toothless tiger ACA seems to have grown some baby teeth now. They seem to be arresting lower level staff and runners in Puspakom. Today, even a state assemblyman was arrested for allegedly taking a RM2,000 bribe. Bravo! Now that you have caught the little fall guys, what abt going after those who have "prospered" in the PKFZ fiasco, Perwaja Steel mismanagement, Monsoon Cup Yacht Race waste of money, MRR2 highway defects and many more where millions and billions have been lost. For that matter, what happened to the AG report 2007 where screwdrivers were sold for 10 times their price? Once again, stop taking us for idiots! We want you to go after the major culprits, even if they are close to you or related to u Mr PM!

I seriously don see anything changing in the near future with this current bunch of arseholes running our country. I may not be your biggest fan DSAI, but the ppl have put you in the parliament, so go put your words into action!

We are waiting......


anfield devotee said...

hear ye, hear ye . . .

Anonymous said...

i did a quick calculation on the RM20 electricity bill....(sorry ethics)....and sub-divide it by the units per rate.. it looks like one day we can only use 2/3 units of electricity per day...

common, even a light bulb on for the whole house would also burn up the 2 units is he talking about??

Life's Like That said...

VS : Haha, like I said, the PM and all the ppl around him still thinks we are dumb. In fact, I don think they even care anymore. Just squeeze as much as they can from the country b4 they get kicked out must be their motto!