Friday, November 14, 2008

What makes a Malaysian a Malaysian!

Received this in the mail today. Hilarious!

What Makes A Malaysian A Malaysian

1. You can name all the players from the the English Premier League, but ask you to name one football player from Malaysia , one name also cannot come out.

2. When StreamyX come, you complain StreamyX too slow. When Maxis Broadband come, you complain Maxis Broadband always disconnects. When WiMax come, you complain Wimax too expensive. In the end, you say StreamyX still the best ah.

3. When toll price increase, you complain. When petrol price increase, you complain. When you go Starbucks buy RM10 coffee, NO COMPLAINTS.

4. When you cannot find parking in a shopping mall and have to walk very far, you complain. When you go inside the shopping mall and there's SALE, run from one end of 1Utama to the other also NO COMPLAINTS.

6. You are always late. And the excuse you give when you're late is always either: (a) traffic jam (b) no transport or (c) cannot find parking.

7. You have a parent who force you to take science stream in high school, study engineering in Uni, then when you graduate, they ask you to forget everything you learnt in Uni and do commerce.

8. You know someone who can specially develop a 'mat salleh' accent when speaking to a American / British / Australian.

9. You complain against the government in kopitiam, you talk loud loud. Leave anonymous comments on blogs, you also talk loud loud. Attend ceremah by DAP, you shout loud loud. Then when Opposition organise a protest and ask you to go, you dun wan. Scared later kena tangkap by ISA.

10. Every year on the 30th April, you are one of the people below queueing up last minute to submit your tax return at the IRB.

11. When you pay RM10 for something that costs RM1, you blame the Chinese.

12. When a government service is too slow, you blame the Malays.

13. When a building is not good and collapsed, you blame the Indians.

14. When a Chinese student won a scholarship, you say 'Wah! Very clever hor?' When a Malay student won a scholarship, you say 'Aiya! Of course lah! He Malay mah!'

15. When a 'mat salleh' stranger kiss you on the cheek to say hello, you very happy. When a Malaysian guy kiss you on the cheek to say hello, you slap him.

I am guilty of 1,3,7 and 10. So which one are u? Don lie!


anfield devotee said...

1,3,7 & 10? Forgot about number six ah you?

Life's Like That said...

Hello, I was late for only twice out of the hundreds of times we went drinking! And my excuse were none of the ones listed!

senorita.. said...

ok,i will change =X

Life's Like That said...

Senorita : Ya rite! You are M'sian wherever u are! Haha!

Mohan said...

LLT Dude: Am back!(read finally bothered to get to the Comp. Shop to get stuff instead of the Pub).

Am Guilty of 1.(only because I haven't seen Melaka play for a long time), maybe 8.(but you'd probably not be able to tell the difference). Since when did you fuckers start going to Starbucks!!(Mamak tak cukup ke!)
Hmmm...think I'm a Malaysian, well I have a Malaysian Passport(Expired!)and there you go!(But like I said, never cared too much about borders..hmmm thinking about which country has the most major babes and is overflowing with booze and planning to migrate there...mmmmmm).

Read the exchange of messages between .ani and yourself regarding my temporary non-existance and was laughing my arse off...chill dudes!!
p/s: Have a smashing smashed time this Sat. and as always do take care.
p/s: Thought you had my phone No. For fucks sake I called you up on CNY and all my eMails have my mobile number on it!!(Yeah and you keep thinking I'm some dude called Gary all the time).

Life's Like That said...

Mohan : Good to know u r still alive! If u find that country, tell me too! may consider migrating too......Haha!

Yeah, I know u r the only fooker that calls us up on CNY fm overseas! True Bro! I do hv yr phone no somewhere on my hp I think. Trust me, if I need to call u, I will definitely be able to get it!

Go Liverpool!

PS : By the way, how's Devan n kid?

Ridzzy said...


good one bro.. but the list left out 1 typical malaysian quote..

"im on the way"

on the way actually meaning - I just got out the shower.. :P