Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hats off to you Anwar Ibrahim!

Well, the long awaited debate between Anwar and Shabery Chik has ended. My thots? Anwar debated as we knew he could. Unfortunately we also found out that another one of our ministers is even dumber than a donkey(To go with Badawi, Albar, Nazri etc)! I don know whether the questions were too difficult for Shabery or he did not hear them. I don think he answered any of the questions thrown at him and his continued personal attacks at Anwar clearly showed he did not have any facts to counter Anwar's claims. My blood boiled to find out that our country is run by another goon, moron, imbecile or whatever you called them! And as my wife says, the sight of his saliva coming out thru the sides of his mouth is just disgusting!

As for Anwar, I think it was brilliant that he used the one opportunity he had with the mass-media to show the whole country what he was all about. He never used personal attacks and was never fiery as we see him during his speeches. He made moderate statements which I think would appeal to many in the outskirts of town. In short he definitely scored with the public! Smart man!

Based on the brief 40 mins or so debate, what was proposed by Anwar may be workable. It is always difficult to renegotiate contracts as the problem of compensation will always crop up. The IPPs have had it good for so long and they will not relent easily. But hey, all good things muct come to an end!

So Badawi and Najib, after watching your "ma-chai" get thrashed by Anwar, are you ready to defend UMNO and BN by debating Anwar? Nah..... I doubt you have the testicular fortitude to do so. Maybe you can send your other donkeys like Albar and Nazri to do it and let us all have another big laugh!


Anonymous said...

I was especially piss with the hand pick guest spekear by the Minister...he did not ask any question but want to act smart to give his comments...

Whereas for Anwar's guest speaker, he just directly ask a simple question...What happen to the 4 billion that the Govt promise to be use for transport when the petrol increase RM0.30? He totally ignore the question.


Anonymous said...
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Life's Like That said...

You are right. When the minister is so dumb, u can't expect his followers to be any smarter can you?

I don think he ignored the question. I think he just did not have any answers to it or did not have the intelligence to counter it.

Sad that we have such donkeys running the country. I m sure the PM and DPM will come out and say he did well against Anwar!

Kerp (Ph.D) said...

hey gavin,

my apologies but the last time i came in there was nothing much, not even a single post. glad you've got it running! will definitely link you up man...

now as for this monkey called sabery; when some people say the rakyat are the clear winners, i said fine, whatever the blabla shit. let me just point out that the clear LOSER of the evening was, your guess is as good as mine' SABERY or whateverhellhisnamewas again.

am no anwar's fan but sabery was simply outclassed. he was no match for the PKR leader la.

come to think of it, even pakdol can top anwar.

Kerp (Ph.D) said...

i meant to say 'cant' on the last bit. i'm sure everyone's aware pakdol will chicken out to participate in such debate anyway.

anfield devotee said...

Imagine, the info minister is the BEST the BN could wheel out.Makes you wonder what the worse is like?

Maybe they should have just sent Bung Mokthar . . .

Mohan said...

Ha! What a circus of morons! You are so right about the Sabery dude, he's has not fucking clue whatsoever. Wondering how the government can justify all the mismanagement and corruption and cronism with the OSA(that's where the dosh has gone anyway) and while there're in power at that! Anyway heard Anuar dude got arrested under 377C for making a little more sense and smiling too much...:-)

Anonymous said...

I find Strawberry Cheek's foaming at his mouth wayyyy too disgusting. Maybe it's his way of distracting the people from the real issues. Anyway, he had nothing worth listening to.

Life's Like That said...

Kerp : None of our current leaders can beat DSAI in a live debate. In fact, I don think their combined IQ is higher than DSAI's!

AD : Bung? He'll come up with some Kung-Fu moves with his hands and fingerslah!

M : Where have you been? It's been some time since we last saw your comments. Govt justify their mismanagement? M, that is the biggest joke!

Sha : You are absolutely right! It was disgusting. If there is going to be a part 2, hope they provide him with a bib! He's just a brainless oaf! Same goes to the BN supporters cheering him wildly!

Life's Like That said...

Sha : Strawbery Cheek's. Good one!

Anonymous said...

Strawberry Cheek was coined by me and one of my fellow translators. She came up with "Strawberry" and I just added the 2 together.

I think Strawberry Cheek needs that suction thingy that they use at the dentist to suck all the foamy bits. I hope that there will be a kind dentist out there who would sponsor that sucker thingy.

Life's Like That said...

Sha : Don need to ask dentistlah. I am sure we can all chip in and buy him one, if he is willing to use it! Haha!