Thursday, July 17, 2008

What's the difference between 20 and 50 mins????

Once again, another one of our so-called "leaders" has made a statement beyond believe! The moronic Deputy Home Minister Datuk Wan Farid Wan Salleh was asked why Anwar was arrested before the 2pm deadline the police gave him and his reply was, "What's the difference between 20 and 50 mins?"

I don even know how he came up with that statement. If you tell your subordinate you want something done by 2pm, you don go yank him off his chair and demand it at 1pm do u? To call Farid a donkey would be an insult to donkeys worldwide. In fact to call him anything else would be an insult to anything else! here are some other facts of the arrest :

1)Firstly, a govt department is actually early and so efficient. To arrest Anwar at 12.55pm they would probably have had a briefing at say 11am. If all other govt offices was as efficient as our police force, we wld have the most efficient govt service in the world!

2)Secondly, it took 15 police vehicles to go arrest a 60 yr old man. Who was he with? His lawyer, driver and his bodyguard! In fact the UTK(Unit Tindak Khas, which is the elite police anti-terrorist force) with balaclavas was also involved. Now, if only the police was so efficient when a snatch theft happens, when a goldsmith shop is robbed by gun-toting robbers, when a child is being kidnapped by some sick person, when a minister is taking illicit bribes etc, then that wld be great! But they are only efficient at arresting old men who are of no harm to them and setting up fucking roadblocks who is a nuisance to all and sundry.

As for our other leaders who have suddenly gone into hiding while all this is going on, let me tell you this. If another election was to be held soon, you can be guaranteed that all your farking arses would be in the unemployment line!

PS : Recently, I participated in a blog where the question of what could be done in 3 mins was asked. There were so many things mention. And the donkey Farid says what's the diff between 20 and 50 mins!


Anonymous said...

I believe the govt is feeding a bunch of monkeys where they are just seating there to be feed. Therefore since is 2pm and they just got nothing to do, why don't go earlier, hey?

Kerp (Ph.D) said...

hold on, hold on! we actually have a minister by the name of wan whathismacallit in the cabinet? seriously, is he a new guy on the block? i swear i've never heard of this fella till i read this piece. another monkey huh? whats new la dei...

Life's Like That said...

Guys, stop insulting the monkeys of this world by calling our ministers monkeys!

VS : Good point. Not like they are catching any other criminals anyway. Plus the UTK needs practicelah. No terrorist here so Anwar pun bolehlah!

Kerp : The guy is the deputy Home minister. His boss : Albar Botak!

senorita.. said...

wei, u're scaring me into thinking our country's run by brainless walking homosapiens. like seriously.. i was puzzled that he was arrested when he alrdy said he will give his full cooperation. i mean like c'mon, that's a lil' too desperate and just proves that they do not do things accordingly doesnt it..

i seriously have no more to say regarding the state of things in Msia.

and clearly, either they do not know how to read the clock to know the difference, or they could not count. but my bet is both since they're stupid beyond redemption.

Life's Like That said...

Senorita : Unfortunately we are being run by brainless whatever you call them! Just gets me seething mad!

I share the same sentiment as you as well w regard to this circus. M going to stop writing abt all this for a while if I can. Next topic will be a happy one, hopefully!

anfield devotee said...

LLT: Bodohsapiens . . . top give em their proper name.

senorita: Don't come back, seriously. . .

Anonymous said...

there you are, getting all worked up just because some morons said or did something moronic. worth it?
i guess, this is a channel to letting out tension and frustration, huh.

Life's Like That said...

AD : Let's call them "Boh-Pien" which means "can't do much" in Hokkien.

Anonymous : Welcome to my blog. Yes I am all worked up seeing morons run our country. Me and a million other M'sians judging by responses in other blogs. By the way, do i know you?

senorita.. said...

AD,kenot lar.. i cant stay long in NZ. it's too serene and quiet.

Life's Like That said...

Senorita : You need to come back and join us for our makan n minum niteslah!

Heard fm my fren who has migrated to NZ that life for Asians there is no bed of roses there either! Of late there have been many cases of discrimination and all that.

senorita.. said...

not surprising... with all the recessions and hardworking Asians ard.. =/

even locals here have a hard time getting a decent pay job.. what more us, international students?

Mohan said...

Hahaha... What a Joke!. Read MalaysiaKini just now.. Alat Sulit Anwar diperiksa dan diukur. Am wondering how they got a 60year old to go NEGARAKU!! (must be something provided by your mate Krep dude)....then again alat sulit might mean they were just seeing how his mobile phone measured up to the new iPhone 3G. Gosh we belong to a country of clowns and jesters! FUCK.EM! Idiots!

Life's Like That said...

Senorita : Heard that some Asians there are trying to get triads to protect themselves. Is it true?

Mohan : Good question! Must have had a lot of homo porn! haha! Don insult the clowns of this world by comparing our ministers to them! That is gross injustice!

Anonymous said...

There are so many other hard core ciminals out there, so many missing children and so many vulnerable people who need protection. And yet our ever efficient Police Force came out in full force just for ONE man who is not even a serial murderer. He is just ACCUSED of doing it with another dude. If our Police Force is so diligent as seen in nabbing DSAI, all the gays out there better beware and keep your activities under wraps!

Life's Like That said...

Haha Sha! Good point! Gays Beware! And if I m not mistaken, Ng Yen yen announced y'day that some donno what incentives will be extended to gays as well! Imagine this scenario :

Gays come to office to collect incentives and as they leave Cops in balaclavas swoop down and arrest them! Excuse : w need to keep M'sia morally strong!

senorita.. said...

not sure bout triads... worse situation in Auckland i reckon. but apparently kidnapping of Asian kids is quite normal. mostly coz of business disagreements and also for substantial ransom.