Wednesday, July 2, 2008

New word in dictionary!

Received this e-mail today :

There are possible plans underway to apply to the Oxford and Webster to include a new word for their 2009

badawi [baa-daa-wee] (noun):
To start something full of promise but end in disappointment, failure and/or disaster.


'I'm trusting you to perform this task well; don't do a badawi, ok?'

'Whatever I do, I will always find a way to badawise it.'

France badawied their Euro 2008 campaign. England pre-badawied theirs, while Italy were guilty of over-badawification.

Haha! Really funny. Shall start using this noun soon!


Mohan said...

it's so funny and very clever..damn! now I've gone and badawied me lunch!!
You take care, M.

anfield devotee said...

Liverpool are set to badawi their season yet again . . . ?

Life's Like That said...

Haha! AD u are such a joker. I would hope not! Let's hope the scum do a Badawi on the Ronaldo issue!