Thursday, September 18, 2008

First slow dance!

Was out with fellow blogger "Anfield Devotee" today for a few drinks. After reminiscing about some songs from the 80's, ultimately the topic of our first slow dance came up. I remember having my first slow dance when I was 16. I was at a party and all the guys were daring each other to approach this pretty girl for a slow dance. Trying to be macho, I summmoned enuf courage to make the first move and surprisingly, she agreed to dance with me!

I can still remember her looks but not her name. Haha! When we started, a train could go pass between us! My heart skipped so many beats cos this was the first time I have ever been so near a member of the opposite sex. I guess she felt the same too cos her hands were starting to sweat or was it me??? But I had to look macho b'cos all those losers were watching me from the side and were green with envy! Slowly we danced a little closer and then started to enjoy ourselves. We danced for a good 40 mins and then stopped. Never met her again after that.

After telling my story to AD, I asked him abt his first dance. His answer : "I got RM1 a day, ate a piece of roti canai and saved 70 cents a day. End of the month bought a CD with the money saved. Never went for parties cos got no money." AIYOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!


Mohan said...

LLT Dude: The Good Ol' Times huh!! The only thing I remember is you dancing on the football field with fellow classmates...oh forgot you had this great crush on one of the twins near your place(what on earth happened to them..think they went on to read law in the UK or something). But you certainly were in action in HSchool in form 6..think of the babes!

AD Dude: Good Ol' Times...the 1RM pocket money. Mine was increased to RM2 when i was in upper secondary. Well the extra 1RM went for 2 ketupats in satay kuah with a nice teh ice after street football(small plastic ball) in my neighbourhood(we got banned after me bro. thought he was in anfield and dived to get a penalty but realised it was rough tar road he was diving into and needed to get stiches).

Ah! The good ol' times indeed.
p/s: LLT Dude..Bila lagi nak datang melawat?? Even a close form 6 friend from Singapore is coming here early next month to visit.. might be funny/interesting/plain awkward!..but she's has been a very good friend in the past few months.

senorita.. said...

lol.... AD,c'mon now.... real first dance...?! cannot be NONE

Life's Like That said...

Mohan : Yeah the good old times. I think one of the twins studied in Oz land. Latest I heard is that one of them has decided to be a nun or the sort. Donno if it is true. Lost contact with them long ago! Form 6, what babes???

RM1 during our school times bought us so much didn't it?

Senorita : Yes, pester AD for info. he claims never had one! Don believe him tho!

anfield devotee said...

LLT & Senorita: Few corrections. Firstly, the money saved went towards buying fresh VINYL at the end of the month. Not CDs! Cis! (But philistine that LLT is wouldn't know the fooking difference!)

Secondly, me said that me had no money fer dating & other superflous fashion accessories.

Of course me went fer house parties! First slow dance, hmmmmm, bumped into her a few years ago. She was still hot! And she fooking remembers me! he he . . . the charm . . . its the charm . . .

Mohan said...

LLT Dude: Remember all those times. From time when youthrough refused to pinjam me 20sen often to get the ice-cream bread while we were playing football with a tennis ball in TES through to the free for all football PE whilst Michael Lye had to wait till we returned half a period late to the time we had to plan you bastards drunken weddings...GOOD OL' TIMES!!
Maybe I'm going MAD reaching somesort of Mid-Life crisis ...donno..but having too much fun.
You take care, M.

Mohan said...

p/s: Remember the times we had to shower/wash out outside the toilet....HAHAHAHA!

senorita.. said...

AD,what charm? charm of the pot belly? LOL

anfield devotee said...

senorita: Me didn't always have one you know . . .

Schooldayz, pokai mana ada duit fer beer. So no beer belly la . . .

That came later & has stayed ever siince . . . :-)

Life's Like That said...

Mohan : Can't remember the 20sen part but definitely the rest are still fresh in the memory. PE times were the best weren't they?

AD : I know the diff ok! Anyway, your first dance was to which heavy metal song??? I am sure the Heavy metal mastro couldn't have danced to some soapy George Michael or REO Speedwagon tune!

Senorita : Yeah, I wonder what charm too!

AD again : Not some black magic charm, rite? Muahahaha.....

Kerp (Ph.D) said...

hey gavin, good topic, this. i'm sure that bala fella has his own story to tell. just being reserved. malu la tu....cehh...

i clearly remember my first dance with one chic i met at a tea dance joint. like you, it was my first getting up close physically with a girl. the feeling was overwhelming i felt as tho both of us were floating while holding each other tightly to the tune of brian adams' everything i do or some shit like that. what's funny was the fact i didnt get a hard-on.

Life's Like That said...

Kerp : Haha! No hard-on? Maybe u were not close enuf! Bryan Adams? Look how bad your music tastes have become nowadays! Muahahaha....

Kerp (Ph.D) said...


dude, that was like what, 15 beladi years ago man. after all it was the girl's fav, anything to get under a girl's skirt la tai kor...muahaahaha

senorita.. said...

LLT, r u suggesting that u got a hard-on from ur first slow dance?

lol sorry i always read between lines... kekkeekeee

Ad,ok ok... ur charm... it's ur charm. although i still dunno what. =P

Life's Like That said...

Kerp : Spoken as we expect you to! Haha!

Senorita : Wah, so directlah u! Can't remember abt the hard-on tho............